To unlock Zoe’s “Scarehoe” outfit, use the code ALWAYS STICK IT IN CRAZY Why Yes Ma’am! To unlock Sarah’s “Cow Girl” outfit, use the code MOOOOOOOOOOOOO. To unlock Polly’s “Tuxedo” outfit, use the code EXCUSE ME ITS SIR To unlock Nora’s “Spiral Scout” outfit, use the code SEX BADGE EARNED To unlock Lola’s “Afrikini” outfit, use the code CAFFEINE QUEEN So cute, it’s spooky! To unlock Lillian’s “Candy Corn” outfit, use the code LICK OR EAT SMELL HER FEET To unlock Lailani’s “Koimono” outfit, use the code YELLOW TUBERCULOSIS To unlock Jessie’s “Naughty List” outfit, use the code CHECKING HER OUT TWICE To unlock Candace / Candy’s “Onahole” outfit, use the code IN A HOLE You’re on her naughty list! To unlock Brooke’s “Stars & Stripes” outfit, use the code FROM C TO SHINING DD To unlock Ashley’s “Clamoflague” outfit, use the code SISTERS IN LEGS To unlock Abia’s “Morning Delight” outfit, use the code CHERRY ON TOP Here are all the outfit codes which have been released so far for HuniePop 2: Double Date She’s earned her naughty badge All Outfit Codes in HuniePop 2 Once you’ve put in the code, the outfit will be unlocked both on existing save files and any new save files you create going forward. Go to the “Code” tab on the game’s main menu and type in the codes provided below to unlock special outfits.